Kakuma Ventures operates as a cooperative and a partnership. We work together on different businesses and share the profits based on pre-agreed terms for each business. We understand that if businesses succeed, we are all better off. Our goal in the end is to create a venture capital partnership – just like in Silicon Valley. We envision a real city where we can live in small houses, go to school, eat at McDonald’s, ride bikes and more. We welcome all companies to visit and learn about our situation. As a densely populated group, there are actually lots of opportunities.
First, we will partner with overseas supply companies like CHEP, Lifestraw, ZeroFly, and Picsnetwork.or and others who can supply us product at cost. We will also approach vehicle and motorcycle companies to get cheap transport. It is essential we work with UN and WFP. Kurt’s close friend runs the WFP Post Harvest lost initiative in Kampala. And the UN is reducing food aid to refugees to once per month. Lastly, local and national support is key. We have a legal company already set up and need visibility to policy-makers officials from the Government of Kenya (i.e. The Camp manager, District commissioner, area chief), and finally support from community leaders, religious leaders, and organization (soccer clubs, local initiatives).
The private sector is supported by both the refugees and the Kenyan nationals. The humanitarian sector is supported by UN agencies (UNHCR, WFP, UNICEF, UNFPA) and the international and local NGOs ( IRC, LWF, NRC, AAHI, AAR JAPAN, NCCK, DON BOSCO, RED CROSS KENYA, WORLD VISION, FILMAID INTERNATIONAL, ISRAID, WIK, LOKADO, ETC). The local respondents we have both the refugees and the local Kenyans. We can partner with the NGOs that are supporting projects similar to ours i.e. NRC, ISRAID, AAHI. we can partner with them by bringing innovation in the industry in which they are working. We can work directly with both the locals and the refugees.
Please come join us and help us achieve our dreams.
Innocent Ntumba,
Co-Founder & Managing Director